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Nginx/PHP-FPM “Access denied.” error

I'm trying to set up a freshly installed Ubuntu (12.04) server, but I can't get PHP files running through php-fpm. No matter what I do, I always get a "Access denied." page (plain text, not html or anything).   Installed packages: nginx nginx-common nginx-full php5 php5-cli php5-common php5-fpm Configuration details: PHP-FPM: user = www-data group  Full Article…


Update an SSL Certificate for a Load Balancer

Update an SSL Certificate for a Load Balancer   Using the AWS Management Console To update an SSL certificate for an HTTPS load balancer   Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon EC2 console at On the Amazon EC2 console Resources page, in the EC2 Dashboard pane, under NETWORK & SECURITY, click Load Balancers. On the Load Balancers page,  Full Article…


Create new FTP user

Add your system User Yes, it is this simple, creating a new user for ftp access in vsftpd is as easy as creating a new valid linux system user.  # useradd test # passwd test Disable SSH access for FTP users The default user creation script will give a user the /bin/bash shell, which can  Full Article…


Fixing errors when upgrading package in Centos

Fixing errors when upgrading package in Centos [root@ ~]# yum update Loaded plugins: downloadonly, fastestmirror, replace Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * base: * epel: * extras: * rpmforge: * updates: Setting up Update Process Resolving Dependencies –> Running transaction check —> Package php-pecl-igbinary.x86_64 0:1.1.2-0.5.git3b8ab7e.el6.remi.1 will be updated —>  Full Article…


Change Timezone in CentOS

You just got your new CentOS dedicated server, and you notice that times in your logs aren’t quite right. You check the time from the command line (run date), and find that the timezone is set to US Eastern or some other timezone. How do you get this changed? Unfortunately, this is not an easy thing  Full Article…


Configure max_execution_time in PHP-FPM using Nginx

here are some times when you will need to increase PHP script execution time with Nginx (often lower times can cause a 504 gateway timeout error). In order to configure/increase max_execution_time variable from PHP-FPM using Nginx, you should follow this steps: Edit php.ini, in CentOS it is locatd at pico -w /etc/php.ini Then set: max_execution_time =  Full Article…