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Cloudflare – Enable maintenance mode with a static page

About a month ago Cloudflare announced the general availability of Cloudflare Workers, a new feature to complement the existing Cloudflare product offering which allows the execution of JavaScript at the edge of Cloudflare’s CDN prior to the request hitting your own web infrastructure. Cloudflare Workers runs JavaScript in the Google V8 engine developed for Chrome that can  Full Article…


HTACCESS – Redirecting a web directory to another directory

Redirecting within the same domain Using htaccess in your root level of your web server, how you redirect one page to another is: RewriteRule ^url-string-to-redirect$ [R=301,L] Or Redirect 301 /path/to-old-url To redirect the contents of a whole directory to another use the below: RewriteRule ^subdirectory/(.*)$ /anotherdirectory/$1 [R=301,NC,L] To redirect the contents of  Full Article…


WordPress – How to install and setup multiple sites

A WordPress Multisite network allows you to run and manage multiple WordPress sites or blogs from a single WordPress installation. It enables you to create new sites instantly and manage them using the same username and password. You can even allow other users to signup and create their own blogs on your domain. The WordPress multisite network  Full Article…


Magento 2 – How to fix Exception SessionHandler

The Issue You may face the following exception during the Magento 2 installation: 12345 exception ‘Exception’ with message ‘Warning: SessionHandler::read(): open(..) failed: No such file or directory (2) ../magento2/lib/internal/Magento/Framework/Session/SaveHandler.php on line 74’ in ../magento2/lib/internal/Magento/Framework/App/ErrorHandler.php:67 The error occurs only in older code versions. To be more exact, you won’t see this exception working with versions from September 29,  Full Article…


MySQL – Remove all triggers by using the SQL queries

Sometimes you want to remove all existing triggers in your database so that you can create the new one. You can execute the following SQL query to generate all necessary SQL queries to remove the triggers in your database. SELECT Concat(‘DROP TRIGGER ‘, Trigger_Name, ‘;’) FROM information_schema.TRIGGERS WHERE TRIGGER_SCHEMA = ‘your_database_name’; After that, you can  Full Article…


Magento 2 – Reindex Error: Index is locked by another reindex process. Skipping.

Problem During full reindex in CLI (Command Line Interface, SSH), Magento returns error message like “index is locked by another reindex process. Skipping.” Reason Error is possible if the previous reindex process wasn’t completed successfully. There are a few possible reasons for this issue: Fatal PHP error during reindexing Mysql Error (like timeout) Memory limit  Full Article…


Magento – Delete Empty Null Attribute Options

By default, if you enter attribute options in the back end, you can’t add an empty option to the attribute. Maybe these empty options were added via a custom script. Here is the custom script that helps you to remove the empty options of the attributes 1.Create store_root/shell/empty.php file with code snippet: 2.Run this PHP script to  Full Article…


Magento 2 – Update new version in 3 easy steps

Today I will describe how you can perform a Magento 2 upgrade. When you run an eCommerce store it is vital to stay secure and up to date. You should always look out for the latest M2 version and update promptly. A word of advice: always backup your files and database before attempting an upgrade. With a  Full Article…