You are viewing an old revision of this post, from January 1, 2023 @ 22:58:00. See below for differences between this version and the current revision.

MacOS – Elasticsearch is not running

Elasticsearch Version


Installed Plugins

No response

Java Version


OS Version

Mac OS X Ventura

Problem Description

I'm trying to install Elasticsearch using this guide.

When I start Elasticsearch with the command brew services start elasticsearch-full I see this window alert:

and in the log file I see this message:

/opt/homebrew/Cellar/elasticsearch-full/7.17.4/libexec/bin/elasticsearch-env: line 83: 10827 Killed: 9    

Elasticsearch is not running.

Steps to Reproduce

Run these commands:

brew tap elastic/tap
brew install elastic/tap/elasticsearch-full
brew services start elasticsearch-full


For Mac Users

System Settings > Privacy & Security > Developer Tools

Check/Add the terminal and start the elastic search from the terminal.


  • January 1, 2023 @ 22:58:47 [Current Revision] by Sharing Solution
  • January 1, 2023 @ 22:58:47 by Sharing Solution
  • January 1, 2023 @ 22:58:00 by Sharing Solution

Revision Differences

January 1, 2023 @ 22:58:00Current Revision
Unchanged: <h3 dir="auto">Elasticsearch Version</h3>Unchanged: <h3 dir="auto">Elasticsearch Version</h3>
Unchanged: <p dir="auto">7.17.4</p>Unchanged: <p dir="auto">7.17.4</p>
Unchanged: <h3 dir="auto">Installed Plugins</h3>Unchanged: <h3 dir="auto">Installed Plugins</h3>
Unchanged: <p dir="auto"><em>No response</em></p>Unchanged: <p dir="auto"><em>No response</em></p>
Unchanged: <h3 dir="auto">Java Version</h3>Unchanged: <h3 dir="auto">Java Version</h3>
Unchanged: <p dir="auto"><em> bundled</em></p>Unchanged: <p dir="auto"><em> bundled</em></p>
Unchanged: <h3 dir="auto">OS Version</h3>Unchanged: <h3 dir="auto">OS Version</h3>
Unchanged: <p dir="auto">Mac OS X Ventura</p>Unchanged: <p dir="auto">Mac OS X Ventura</p>
Unchanged: <h3 dir="auto">Problem Description</h3>Unchanged: <h3 dir="auto">Problem Description</h3>
Unchanged: <p dir="auto">I'm trying to install Elasticsearch using this guide.</p>Unchanged: <p dir="auto">I'm trying to install Elasticsearch using this guide.</p>
Unchanged: <p dir="auto">When I start Elasticsearch with the command <code class="notranslate">brew services start elasticsearch- full</code> I see this window alert:</p>Unchanged: <p dir="auto">When I start Elasticsearch with the command <code class="notranslate">brew services start elasticsearch- full</code> I see this window alert:</p>
Unchanged: <p dir="auto">and in the log file I see this message:</p>Unchanged: <p dir="auto">and in the log file I see this message:</p>
Unchanged: <div class="snippet- clipboard-content notranslate position-relative overflow-auto">Unchanged: <div class="snippet- clipboard-content notranslate position-relative overflow-auto">
Deleted: <pre class="notranslate"><code class="notranslate" >/opt/homebrew/ Cellar/elasticsearch- full/7.17.4/libexec/ bin/elasticsearch-env: line 83: 10827 Killed: 9 "$JAVA" "$XSHARE" -cp "$ES_CLASSPATH" version_checker.JavaVersionChecker Added: <pre class="notranslate"><code class="notranslate" >/opt/homebrew/ Cellar/elasticsearch- full/7.17.4/libexec/ bin/elasticsearch-env: line 83: 10827 Killed: 9
 Added: "$JAVA" "$XSHARE" -cp "$ES_CLASSPATH" version_checker.JavaVersionChecker
Unchanged: </code></pre>Unchanged: </code></pre>
Unchanged: </div>Unchanged: </div>
Unchanged: <p dir="auto">Elasticsearch is not running.</p>Unchanged: <p dir="auto">Elasticsearch is not running.</p>
Unchanged: <h3 dir="auto">Steps to Reproduce</h3>Unchanged: <h3 dir="auto">Steps to Reproduce</h3>
Unchanged: <p dir="auto">Run these commands:</p>Unchanged: <p dir="auto">Run these commands:</p>
Unchanged: <div class="snippet- clipboard-content notranslate position-relative overflow-auto">Unchanged: <div class="snippet- clipboard-content notranslate position-relative overflow-auto">
Unchanged: <pre class="notranslate"><code class="notranslate">brew tap elastic/tapUnchanged: <pre class="notranslate"><code class="notranslate">brew tap elastic/tap
Unchanged: brew install elastic/tap/elasticsearch-fullUnchanged: brew install elastic/tap/elasticsearch-full
Unchanged: brew services start elasticsearch- full</code></pre>Unchanged: brew services start elasticsearch- full</code></pre>
Unchanged: </div>Unchanged: </div>
Deleted: <p dir="auto"></p> 
Unchanged: <p dir="auto"><strong> SOLUTION:</strong></p>Unchanged: <p dir="auto"><strong> SOLUTION:</strong></p>
Unchanged: <p dir="auto"><strong>For Mac Users</strong></p>Unchanged: <p dir="auto"><strong>For Mac Users</strong></p>
Unchanged: <blockquote>Unchanged: <blockquote>
Unchanged: <p dir="auto">System Settings &gt; Privacy &amp; Security &gt; Developer Tools</p>Unchanged: <p dir="auto">System Settings &gt; Privacy &amp; Security &gt; Developer Tools</p>
Unchanged: </blockquote>Unchanged: </blockquote>
Unchanged: <p dir="auto">Check/Add the terminal and start the elastic search from the terminal.</p>Unchanged: <p dir="auto">Check/Add the terminal and start the elastic search from the terminal.</p>

Note: Spaces may be added to comparison text to allow better line wrapping.

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